Tuesday, February 26, 2008

your mission...

...should you choose to accept.

post a comment to this posting if you want to be added as an author on this blog and i'll send you an invite.

then, prepare your stories so you can post them once you're created. i also want scans of those cartoons that the kids learned to draw during those long winters down on the "crick." my dad's is woody woodpecker. i think uncle red's was mickey mouse. i don't know if there were others. if there were, leave it as a comment here and i'll get back to you. be prepared to post your pictures as well!

just a note: i'm a bit wary of posting my email address in this posting because of spam, but promise to keep an eye on the comments and respond quickly.

Monday, February 25, 2008

let's name this baby

hello nachtigals! welcome to the nachtigal blog (and the 21st century, for some of you)! we need to name this blog. i called it "too late nathan" after that line from some old cowboy movie that my dad (that's ralph, as this is julie) always quotes. but that name doesn't have to stick.

if you'd like to nominate a name, just post it as a comment to this posting. i'll make a new posting wherein we vote for what our nachtigal family blog should be called.

and please. no sentimentality. i can't take the sentimentality. :-)

just so you know, i show as "julochka" here on blogger, but it's ralph's julie that's behind this one.