Monday, September 29, 2008

use your vote wisely

just had to share one more to assist you in making the right decision come election day.

if you didn't see this

at least there's SOMETHING to laugh about with regard to this ridiculous woman. if you missed the original one, it's here. and frighteningly, it seems to be as much of a joke as this one from SNL.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

ralph & pat in denmark

we've been busy since mom & dad's visit to copenhagen began and tomorrow it's already over. 
since they arrived, we've...
 put them to work washing windows:
we've acquired a big-ass t.v. (on which to play the Wii):
we've roasted a whole hog:

we've gone for a walk in the waning afternoon sunshine:

we've hunted 4 (and 5 and 6) leaf clovers:

and mushrooms:

we've gone for a walk in the king's gardens in copenhagen:
had an expensive beer at nyhavn:
and posed for a picture at nyhavn:

it's been great to have them here, but i suspect they'll be glad to go home to their microwave, fast washing machine and weak coffee. oh yeah, and their t.v.