Tuesday, May 26, 2009

a little "how to"

i heard from gisel that some of the luddites nachtigals have complained said that they have written posts for this very family blog and have been unable to post them.

as an admin on the blog, i cannot see any draft posts in the list by anyone other than gisel, who has two empty ones, so i thought perhaps a little tutorial  on how to publish here was in order.

once you have gone to blogger.com and signed in using your personal sign-in information, you will see the blogger dashboard. here is what part of mine looks like:

bear in mind, yours will look a bit different than this because you probably don't have eleven blogs and if you do, you don't need this tutorial.

yours will look more or less like this:

once you see this, you can either "view blog," just to have a look and see what others have written. of course, you can ALSO do this without being an author, just by going to http://thenachtigals.blogspot.com. that means that ALL NACHTIGALS can LOOK at the blog at any time and just read what's going on there. most of which is currently written by me, which is admittedly getting a little old.

However, if you want to write, you need to press the pretty blue button that says "NEW POST." once you do that, you will see this:

it's a pretty, empty space in which to compose your blog post. you go into the space and begin to write whatever hilarious story or poignant memory you wish to share. when you are finished, you will press this pretty little orange button at the bottom of the screen. it says, intuitively enough, "PUBLISH POST."

now, you have published your first story on the blog.  you will get a message that looks like this:

i didn't get fancy and tell you how to upload pictures or anything, as i think it will be quite enough to just try to get text up there in the first run.

if you already have permission to post on this blog, you can use this information to write a post right away. and i sincerely hope you will do that.

if you would LIKE permission to post, please email myself or monica and we can send you an invitation to contribute. you will receive an email from blogger, which will contain directions for you to follow in order to accept the invitation. i can be emailed at jknachti (at) gmail (dot) com and monica's email is mqnachti (at) gmail (dot) com. obviously with @ and . in lieu of the words in parentheses--i type it like that to avoid spam.