Monday, March 24, 2008

Family Talent Shows

So there I was, watching "Dan in Real Life" with some friends. The fictional family met up at a cabin...aunts, uncles, grandparents, grandchilren...where suddenly the story had them all putting on a talent show for each other.

Everyone I was watching the movie with started ranting how no family would EVER do that. It was "too nice" and "too contrived" and "not realistic."

But we did this, right? Talent shows, making movies. Remember "Cousins from Outer Space?" So my memory limits these things to being at Dan and Nancy's, but how long ago did they start? Was it just crazy Gisel forcing us kids to be creative?


julochka said...

it was quite possibly just crazy gisel...but everyone loved it!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi nephew - thx for posting. your story was hilarious. i can imagine how entertained you must have been when your friends were saying that it would be unrealistic for a family to do a talent show. ha. little do they know what we had to do on the prairie for entertainment.

this xmas in laramie, uncles dan and tom and families (and aunt gizzy) watched all those old movies, starting with the "cousins from outer space" through the "nachtigal comedy club" and ending with a courtroom drama, ala 'judge judy', which fizzled when the child actors walked off the set, thus ending the long tradition of christmas movies...

julochka said...

isn't it kinda funny that the movie you were watching was "Dan in Real Life," in light of the talent shows being largely at DAN & Nancy's? :-)

Alan Nachtigal said...

I hadn't thought about that. Did anyone else see Dan in Real Life? I'm voting thumbs mildly down.