Thursday, May 22, 2008

tour #481 neuschwanstein castle, southern bavaria

what are the chances that cousins from halfway across the world, even while doing moderate coordination via the miracle of 3G mobile networks, ended up on the VERY SAME tour through neuschwanstein castle in southern bavaria this very afternoon? apparently pretty good!


JNach said...

-Yes, the odds were in our favor I guess. This trip was my first trip to Europe. It was also my first time meeting Julie's beautiful and intelligent daughter, Sabin, and my first time in a long time seeing Julie herself!
-On the outside, Neuschwanstein castle was colossal. On the inside, it was creepy. There were swans in "bondage" and even an indoor cave. The inhabitant of the castle, King Ludwig II, was known to be a little off his rocker and had a curious relationship with the German composer, Richard Wagner

julochka said...

but ludwig was definitely NOT gay (according to the germans). clearly gay if you think about the bondage swans and the dressing up and playing opera in your own grotto in the basement...

julochka said...

not that there's anything wrong with that!!! :-)