Tuesday, October 21, 2008

scenes from the autumn holiday

last week was the kartoffelferie or "potato holiday" in denmark--it used to be the week that kids were let out of school to go home to assist with the potato harvest. today, kids think potatoes come in a plastic bag from the local supermarket, so it's much more about rushing around, doing all sorts of fun things. we were supposed to go to istanbul to do that rushing around, but husband had some meetings come up at work that he couldn't miss, so we didn't go there. once those meetings were over on tuesday, we drove around denmark and did things like visit an old mill to watch wheat being ground to flour in the traditional manner and we took a little ferry over to langeland (a small island) and we went to legoland and to the west coast of jutland to see the north sea pounding in on the beach (and an old german bunker or two). here are a few of the highlights:

trying out the hand grinder
looking for skippable rocks
in the straw bale maze at tivoli
seeing whether the north sea bites
it does
playing in the sand dunes
watch out for old german mines!
sights of amsterdam in legoland
check out the bridge rising up to let the boat through!
someone's getting tired...
you can't go to legoland without getting some lego!

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