Wednesday, January 7, 2009

100th post!

although i've done probably 90 out of the 100 posts on this blog, this time, it's really coming from my mom.  it's her story of a little exchange she had with ralphie this morning regarding english muffins. here it is in her own words (and even with capital letters):

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I am commencing to make the English muffins for Dad. I found real fine farina in the “scratch and dent” grocery store, packaged by Quaker and called Creamy Wheat. It is quite fine. I am wearing my new Christmas gift, the apron. According to a conversation with your Dad this morning, he wondered why I hadn’t made these in 40 years. I said I hadn’t run onto a scratch recipe for them before. He said I don’t need recipes for everything. HE could make anything without a recipe. (He had informed me that he would be VERY CRITICAL when trying them.) My uncontrollable laughter ushered him out the door, but not before I assured him that if he didn’t like them, I would frisbee them to the cats out in the barn.

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a couple of explanatory notes:

* yesterday mom and i had a conversation about what exactly "farina" was, since her recipe called for it. we discussed (rather extensively) whether one could just use cream of wheat. (i said yes, she was skeptical as to whether it would be ground finely enough.)

* i sent her an apron from the fabulous anna maria horner for christmas, so that's why she mentions the apron.

* bravo to mom for writing this. if there are others out there who have something to say, but don't want to/know how to post it, please send it to me and we'll do just like we did with this post.

* i'm sure the english muffins will be fabulouso.

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