Friday, May 14, 2010

friday confession - i'm a little worried about the upcoming nachtigal family reunion

i'll admit i look upon the upcoming nachtigal family reunion with a mixture of excitement and apprehension (and it's not only that no alcohol is allowed in north park). it's been several years since i was in platte. and i know that as a nachtigal, i have a lot of accounting to do for the air i've been breathing since you all last saw me.

on my real blog, i do the occasional friday confession and that seems to fit this situation. i think i'll do a bit of confessing so you all don't feel compelled to tie me to a chair under the bright lights of interrogation to see if i've been worthy of all that air i've been using since you last saw me....

~ i confess that i left a perfectly good job in the world's largest container shipping company and denmark's largest company at the end of 2007. i also confess that i couldn't face breaking in my fourth new boss in as many years and the fact that i'd traveled 180 days of 2007, so that's why i left. sometimes you just get burned out.

~ i confess that i spent the next two years working in a company that wasn't in the same country i lived in (totally indefensible in light of climate change). and i confess that that was tiring, tho' i got to indulge my inner writer for the last year in that company and that was a good thing.

~ we moved recently to a 17-acre decommissioned farm on the other side of denmark, which is a lot like moving from one side of wisconsin to the other. in the process, we totally bought the complicity of our 9-year-old child - she got an iPhone, an iPad, a season pass to Legoland and a horse. she totally scored. we should be nominated for parents of the year. totally.

~ i confess that i've lost my gold status on KLM and am now only silver. same on SAS.

~ i confess that after Uncle Red once said to me after i left SDSU after only one year, "good thing you dropped out before you flunked out," that i went on to get my BA and two Master's degrees, a Fulbright scholarship and most of a Ph.D. pretty much just because he said that. and because i hated Ronald Reagan (tho' he seems pretty harmless in retrospect).

~ i still don't know what i want to be when i grow up. but now i'm working in the renewable energy sector. and that seems like a good thing. tho' please don't ask me what the company i'm working for did during WWII....

~ my husband really is The Great Dane. he's a keeper. but he sounds a bit like a brit (which is way better than sounding like a dane). the child, however, is danish. and sounds like it. so go easy on her.

and please go easy on me when you see me in july. it's not easy being a nachtigal.

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