Monday, November 24, 2008


for years and years every holiday, we played balderdash, a board game in which you make up definitions for real (but little-known) words and you try to write it so plausibly that everyone picks your answer and you advance on the board. you can also advance by picking the correct answer from among all of the definitions read. there was always a lot of laughter in the game and some people became known for the type of answers they wrote...i was always accused of anything russian-related and uncle jim was famous for ancient farm implements.

when you comment on some blogger blogs, there is a verification word that you have to type in (hint, hint, you would KNOW this if you were COMMENTING, people). of late, they must have changed the algorithm that generates these words because they are much more word-like than they used to be. so much so, that i've been writing them down for a few weeks now, waiting for inspiration to strike and to write a bunch of funny definitions. here's what i came up with this morning:

cringo: i was going to say that it's what you do when you see a WTF Wednesday posting like this one, but upon further reflection, i think it's a curly-haired white person in mexico.

rhorifer:  a filter which clears away boring conversations like "do any of you ever use the highest temperature wash on your washing machine?" at dinner parties. i'm looking into a portable version of one of these.

domit: a small home constructed in the garden to attract hedgehogs.

menwisms:  the all-too-seldom clever utterance or observation by the male of the species. as in husband's statement last week while watching news of california wildfires on CNN that it so typical of americans to participate in global warming in such an extreme way.

brapigic:  that itchy feeling you get when you've just taken off an ill-fitting bra.

mismar:  to accidentally get caught in the waves and get the bottom of your pant legs all wet.

kajushin:   spontaneous squatting.

quinort:  an orangey-colored moss found at the foot of evergreens in the forest.  can be brewed into a healthy (if somewhat bitter) tea.

those who have played balderdash at our house will recognize "spontaneous squatting," as one of the all-time funniest balderdash answers ever written. and to be honest, i don't even remember who wrote it, i just remember laughing myself silly.

and now, to help get YOU writing, two assignments:

1.  what games do you remember playing?
2.  write definitions for some of these blogger verification words (bear in mind, they are not real words, they just LOOK like real words, more or less):  relfulsi, diderest, coses, subbeacc, fazedyma, amemat, fulmor, stion, dialomp, hamerfut, hinisha, frilsha, chollnes, hialigge, rensitr

i look forward to seeing what you all come up with. yes, ALL of you. especially you there. :-)

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