Friday, April 24, 2009

The Little Boys

My three younger brothers were always referred to collectively as "The Little Boys".

Kent, the oldest, was always Kent. And, me, the only girl, Gisel. But Dan, Tom and Sam were always "The Little Boys" as if they were an ameoba and could not be divided into individual cells.

My mother would call us in for dinner: "Kent, Gisel...The Little Boys!"

When we lived in what we now call The Harvison House (because the Harvisons later bought it) the kids were delegated to the upstairs. Kent had his own room, I had my own room, but "The Little Boys" not only shared a room, but all slept in the same bed.

"The Little Boys" didn't have their own designated clothes but instead operated a shared clothing consortium - anything from the "clean" pile was fair game.

I wonder if the Little Boys have joint checking accounts...

1 comment:

julochka said...

that is so funny! i wonder if it's why dan doesn't use anyone's real name and assigns nicknames to everyone, because he was denied his own name when he a LITTLE BOY!