Friday, April 24, 2009

once upon a time...

once upon a time a very, very long time ago, this little girl was dropped off to attend a week of bible school at the trinity lutheran church. now her family did not attend this church, but bible school was thought to be for anyone. plus her parents thought, hey, free babysitting and a week of peace without the kid!

so her mother dropped her off outside the side door of the trinity lutheran church, and despite her being quite small and never having been there before, just sent the child in without accompanying her. the child has a very clear memory of the crunch of the wheels of the stationwagon driving away on that little gravel road beside the church and how daunting that unknown door seemed. said child wandered in and some people talked to her, inevitably asking her her name. feeling a bit shy and out of place and perhaps even abandoned out in the woods as well as having a healthy imagination, she informed them that she was called snow white.

she was pretty steadfast about the snow white thing and it took those people 'til mid-week to figure out who she really was. i guess someone finally spotted her mother, who didn't appear to be accompanied by seven dwarves, picking her up.

and they all lived happily ever after, but she still really hates going in alone to a new place full of people who already know each other. and roger eastman teased her about it for years afterwards, as he apparently found it such an amusing story. she got so she hated to run into him.

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